Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga of Awareness
A powerfully rooted ritual initiates us into any chosen spiritual practice. When we immerse ourselves so completely into the practice we come to see no separation between the practice and ourselves. We are living our purpose and our purpose is joyfully living through us.
The practice of all forms of yoga offers us a beautiful opportunity to develop strong rhythms in of practice in our lives that balances and supports us on all levels.
Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga of Awareness, is a deeply healing spiritual practice brought to us through the lineage of dedicated souls. Yogi Bhajan, master of Kundalini Yoga, brought previously secret teachings to the US and Europe, starting in 1969. Guru Ram Das, the 4th Guru in Sikhism, associated with healing and miracles, was Yogi Bhajan’s teacher in the subtle realm. Guru Ram Das was acknowledged a Raj Yogi (Royal Yoga) and passed on that blessing to all who came to him.
When we chant to tune in before practice we connect to this lineage, the Golden Chain, through the Adi Mantra: Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo. This mantra is our pure infinite soul connection to all masters and teachers of Kundalini yoga, past, present and future. As we chant we open ourselves to the wisdom that needs to move through us, we bow to the divine Infinity within ourselves and all beings, and we ignite the spark of our intuition and higher guidance.
Through this discipline we are offered the highest gift for shifting, awakening and raising consciousness.
Kundalini Yoga is said to be the accumulation of over 8.4 million kriyas! Kriya means action, an action that leads to a complete manifestation. Each kriya, taught as originally given, has a specific effect on body, mind and spirit.
Deepening into the transformative power of Kundalini Yoga can happen even if you only choose ONE kriya to practice and master.
It is recommended to practice a kriya or meditation for 40 days – and all the way up to 1000 days to experience its full depth and benefit. It takes 40 days to break a negative pattern or habit.
What you put in is what you get out. Once you commit to and develop your sadhana, you immerse yourself in the beauty of your practice and the comforts and challenges it brings.
Sadhana is spiritual discipline that awakens awareness. It is through ritual that we honour ourselves and our natural rhythms and cycles. We release old, outlived patterns and nurture a new empowering – compassionate patterns that truly honour who we are. This is a process and a journey of commitment to our highest self. We allow ourselves to hold a challenging pose or sit in silent meditation, breathing presence, awareness and release through and beyond the discomfort, the pain, the anger; eventually into the gentle and healing space of acceptance of what is, as it is.
Practice is a conscious commitment to a discipline, choosing it no matter what, because there will always be a valid excuse keeping you from your mat, and from the path to consciousness. So everyday, choosing no matter what to relate to your soul, infinity, our wisdom and truth. Your life will change. Your challenges, frustrations, fears and phobias may stay the same (for a while) but the way you choose to relate to them, observe them, work with them will be different.
Yogi Bhajan says “You will never know who you are if you have not disciplined yourself to know who you are.”
Yours in awareness, love, light and truth, Patwant Kaur Rhodes (Level 1 Teacher Trainer)