South African Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association


The teachers association is a place for teachers to meet at grassroots and eye level! The SAKYTA welcomes you, whether you are presently teaching or not. 

The membership monies support local activities and give a foothold in the international org, the IKYTA. IKYTA endeavours to gather up the teachers worldwide and thus be representative in the arena of this style of Kundalini Yoga.

Click here to load the SAKYTA / IKYTA intake questionnaire

SAKYTA’s work is decided by the teachers!

Sangat life benefits the – sometimes lonely existence of – the yoga teacher and the yoga lover. Sangat life sharpens our tools, softens our eyes and hearts and directs us to new areas of interest, with friends and colleagues! We can develop new projects and arenas of foucs. The SAKYTA can be the backdrop for this and more: events, co-facilitation in outlying areas, serving underserved groups, online and in-person meetings, accuracy of teachings, diversity in class. Liaising with NPOs, eg. who bring art to townships in Namibia and planned for South Africa. 

The membership gives a listing on as well as a listing on IKYTA’s site. Here you will get a log-in to update your details: photo, events, etc. 

The membership entails discounts for yogic materials, e-Books, live and online events and access to discussion forums on current issues: eg. presenting classes, yoga values, ombuds(wo)man, decolonisation and non-rasism in yoga, gender-sensitive teaching, environment/ nature/ sustainability, Sikhism, etc. IKYTA organises monthly global prayers and meditations across the timezones. 

FEES: Our annual membership contribution is self-chosen. 15% or a minimum of $5 will be paid to IKYTA. Pay the membership with your name in the beneficiary info to:

3HO Foundation
Nedbank Blackheath Branch 158205
Account number: 1967040192
Swift Code: NEDSZAJJ


SAKYTA means ABLE CAN-DO ENERGY in Sanskrit!

Click here to load the SAKYTA / IKYTA intake questionnaire

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